OBJECTIVE: To offer Teacher Grants to help impact the education of students in the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District (PYLUSD) APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY: Applicant must be actively teaching in the PYLUSD, in any Pre-K-12 grade classroom. CONDITIONS:
Approval of this proposal is solely for the purpose of rewarding a Teacher Grant. The Yorba Linda Woman’s Club shall, in no way, be liable for injuries or damages arising from the performance of this proposal.
All Teacher Grant checks must be cashed before 5/31/23, which is the end of the Yorba Linda Woman’s Club 2022-23 fiscal year.
JUDGING: Applications are judged on curriculum needs and innovation that will help support students’ interests in the classroom. AWARDS:
A minimum of six, $200.00 Teacher Grants will be awarded to the most unique and impactful proposals presented.
The winner may also be recognized at a General Meeting of the Yorba Linda Woman’s Club (subject to his/her availability) on any third Thursday at 7 p.m., at the Yorba Linda Community Center.
January 15, 2023 – Final postmark date for receipt of applications
January 24-28, 2023 – Grantees notified and checks delivered to school
March-May, 2023 – Winners recognized by Yorba Linda Woman’s Club